This was the issue identified when we upgraded the database from to the performance of entire database was impacted.This was a datawarehouse database and there were lots of queries generated from OBIEE using the "with clause".To workaround the issue quickly we switched back the optimizer_features_enable parameter to Now it came to identifying the issue with optimizer.We ran 10053 trace on the problem query which was not performing well with optimizer_features_enable set to and and compared the two traces.It was found that with the CBQT (cost based query transformation ) was not getting successful causing the issue
.Later it was identified to be an issue with bug fix 11740670.To solve the issue we did following
Alter system set "_fix_control"='11740670:OFF';
Alter system set optimizer_features_enable=;
.Later it was identified to be an issue with bug fix 11740670.To solve the issue we did following
Alter system set "_fix_control"='11740670:OFF';
Alter system set optimizer_features_enable=; optimizer optimizer
Query transformations (QT)
JF: Checking validity of join
factorization for query block SEL$1 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: not a UNION or
UNION-ALL query block.
ST: not valid since new CBQT
star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table
expansion for query block SEL$1 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: table expansion
JF: Checking validity of join
factorization for query block SEL$4 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: not a UNION or
UNION-ALL query block.
ST: not valid since new CBQT
star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table
expansion for query block SEL$4 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: table expansion
CBQT: Validity checks passed for 98utkpdkpq0af.
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