Friday, March 11, 2016

How to check the flash cache hit percent

select snap_id, end_interval,
       round((mf_total/mt_total)*100,1)      as "FC Read Hit PCT",
       TO_CHAR(mt_total,  '999,999,999,999') as "Total read IO",
       TO_CHAR(mf_total,  '999,999,999,999') as "Read Cache IO",
       TO_CHAR(mwio_total,'999,999,999,999') as " Total Write IO Req",
       TO_CHAR(wb_total,  '999,999,999,999') as "WBFC Total"
(with snap as
    (select snap_id, end_interval, stat_name, total - lag(total,1,0) over(partition by stat_name order by snap_id) as total
        (select st.snap_id, TO_CHAR((cast(sp.end_interval_time as date)),'MON-DD-YYYY hh24 mi') End_interval, st.stat_name, sum(st.value) Total
           from dba_hist_snapshot sp,dba_hist_sysstat st
          where sp.snap_id=st.snap_id and sp.instance_number=st.instance_number
            and st.stat_name in ('cell flash cache read hits'
                                ,'physical read total IO requests'
                                ,'cell writes to flash cache'
                                ,'physical write IO requests')
            and  cast(sp.end_interval_time as date) > (sysdate -&num_hrs/24 - 1/96)
          group by st.snap_id, TO_CHAR((cast(sp.end_interval_time as date)),'MON-DD-YYYY hh24 mi'),st.stat_name
          order by st.snap_id)
 select * from snap
  where snap_id > (select min(snap_id) from snap)
    and total > 0
pivot (sum(total) as total for (stat_name) in ('physical read total IO requests' as mt
                                              ,'cell flash cache read hits'      as mf
                                              ,'physical write IO requests'      as mwio
                                              ,'cell writes to flash cache'      as wb))

 order by snap_id;